After months of colic and acid reflux, we were willing to try one more thing to help our daughter feel better. Our holistic pediatrician recommended cranialsacral therapy for Lily from the first time we saw her but we were unsure it would actually work. After much research we decided to give it a try. It was going to consist of 3 sessions with the therapist.
The first session lasted an hour. It wasn't fun for any of us. It wasn't painful for Lily it was just upsetting for her because you could tell she didn't know what was going on. The easiest way to describe it is that its like when you have tension in your shoulders and someone pushes on those pressure points, its painful at first but as an adult you know once the tension is released you feel ten times better and have no more tension. Try explaining that to an infant. They don't know what this stranger is doing to them and they don't know that the minor amount of pressure that is being applied to them will bring them such relief later on.
We didn't see major results immediately but we did see a change after the second and third session. We can happily say our daughter no longer has colic or acid reflux. And to make things even better just a few days ago, Lily decided to drink from a bottle. We are so very thankful we decided to have cranialsacral therapy. It has made such a wonderful difference.
If you'd like to read more on the procedure please click on the following link.