Today was a busy day. My doctor's appointment was later in the afternoon and my mom was staying with us for a few days to help me get organized for Lily's arrival, so we were running errands all morning. My husband met us at my appointment, as he had to work.
This appointment was going to be one of the big ones because we were going to find out when they might remove my stitches. Since the last appointment my husband and I decided it would be best to ask to have the stitches removed on June 24th versus July 1st. We don't want Lily to come earlier then needed but we wanted to make sure the added pressure of her weight does not tear my stitches and cause me more harm then good at this point. That's the funny thing with a cerclage. They are good to use to make sure Lily stays safe and sound, but towards the end of the pregnancy, they can cause harm to the mother if things progress sooner then hoped. Or force me to have a C-section if not removed in time.
The doctor agreed that we would schedule the removal of my cerclage to take place early morning, Thursday June 24th. On my next appointment which will be June 23rd, the day before, they are going to check my cervix and stitches, measure to see how long Lily is, find out her weight, and also see her position. Since she's been sunny side up, but head down, for the last few months, I'm hoping she flips before the next appointment. If all is well then the following day we will proceed with my cerclage removal. I'm excited and a bit nervous.
There is no telling if I will go into labor that day the stitch is removed it just depends on how my cervix reacts. I'm heard stories that some women can go into labor right away and others it takes a few more weeks. Its almost as the cervix has been tied up for too long that it doesn't know it can expand like it should. The doctor is going to keep me in the hospital for a few hours after the removal of the stitches to make sure I'm not dilating. It should make for an exciting and interesting day.