Lily is now 16 weeks old and she hasn't been sleeping so well the last few days. Lily used to sleep for most of the night to only wake up maybe once or twice during the night. But the last few nights she's been waking up every 2 to 3 hours. I now know what its like to not get much of any rest... and I don't like it. We are assuming Lily might be going through a growth spurt and hopefully its not the "4 month regression" I hear so much about.
With all that said, we decided to start Lily on a little rice cereal at night to see if that would help her sleep longer. We were happy to see that she didn't mind eating from a spoon since she still doesn't want to take a bottle.I don't know if she was too sure of it all but it was very cute for us to watch. Enjoy the photos!

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