Friday, May 14, 2010

Reality Check - its still a high risk pregnancy

I woke up this morning feeling like I had a tummy ache. That's the only way I could explain it. It was a feeling I hadn't felt before. My lower abdomen ached from left to right. If I laid on my back the ache would increase and be somewhat painful. I wasn't having any stomach problems. I was just having some unexplained pain in my lower abdomen.

My husband had called around lunch time to see if I wanted him to come home to make me lunch. I didn't want him to come home because I felt bad for him to leave work, but after we talked about what I was feeling we thought it would be best if he came home. He came home and we ate lunch together. The pain was still around but it kinda came and went. I rested after lunch for a bit to see if it would pass. It didn't.

We decided it would be a good idea if I called the doctor. I called and they thought it would be wise for me to go to the hospital. There was a chance I was having contractions and there might be something wrong with my cerclage. We didn't think twice, we were off. We called our parents to let them know what was going on.

When we got to the hospital they took my vitals and then hooked me up to the baby monitor machine, to watch the baby's heart beat and to see if I was having any contractions. I was nervous about my cerclage. They monitored me for about an hour, minor contractions and the baby's heart beat was just fine. They had a doctor from my OB practice on call at the hospital, she was aware of my situation should something happen. They decided to have a high risk doctor come and check my cerclage. That wasn't fun but you have to do what you have to do. The cerclage looked fine, the stitch was still holding perfectly. They did an internal ultrasound and told me my cervix was measuring 2.18cm, which is shorter. That was upsetting to hear. The high risk doctor wasn't concerned, he said everything looked fine. They gave me an IV with fluids and also gave me some drugs to relax my uterus. They discharged me about an hour later. They told me to relax and take it easy for the next few days. If the pain comes back, that I should call my doctor or come back to the hospital. I think we were there about five hours total.

When we left, I got upset. I was upset to hear my cervix had shortened but very much relieve that my cerclage and the baby were doing fine. This pregnancy has been so unpredictable. The little bit of freedom I had, I decided wasn't worth it. No one is telling me to go back on strict bed rest, but I am putting myself back on strict bed rest. I want Lily to have the best fighting chance she can have at life. I know in the end its worth it.

When we got home, I passed out. The drugs they gave me to relax my uterus, relaxed me... And that's putting it mildly. We got home around 6:30-7:00pm and I was knocked out until the next morning. Those were some good drugs...

1 comment:

  1. did they give you vistiril (sp?). That stuff knocked me out for days...
