My husband and I decided to take some "us" time and enjoy just being married, not focusing on having babies just yet. During that time, we traveled, built a new house, worked very hard at our jobs, and I decided to become a healthier person by taking on the sport of running.
After four years of doing all the things we loved, we realized that we were ready to expand our family. Lucky for us, it didn't take long and on November 13, 2010 we found out I was pregnant! My pregnancy has been wonderful and I attribute it to a wonderful husband, a healthy lifestyle, and a positive attitude towards all the changes that can occur. I didn't have morning sickness nor did I ever have much of any problems during my pregnancy.
Since having the LEEP procedure my doctor had always told me, she was going to watch my cervix to make sure everything stays the way it should. For the first four months every visit I had to the doctor's office I had a special ultrsound to check my cervix. From the beginning, my cervix had been picture perfect. That brings us to now.
On March 10, 2010 my husband and I went to our 5 month office visit to happily find out the sex of our baby, and to have another routine visit. It was confirmed that we were having a baby girl, her name will be "Lily Bernice".

Shortly after the ultrasound we met with my doctor, she quickly informed us that my cervix was shorter then it should be. So she told us that we had a rush appointment with a high risk doctor the next day. That night we went home in shock and in happiness. Happy to be having a baby girl, but in shock that anything was wrong with my cervix or my pregnancy. I was told to go home and lay down. The next day I didn't go into work and stayed off my feet. We went to our appointment with the high risk doctor to find out my cervix had become shorter than the day before, and that I was in need of an emergency cerclage surgery.
Off to the hospital we went, it all happened so fast. I went straight back into the operation room after being prepped for a spinal, and the procedure was performed. They kept me over night at the hospital and told me the rest of my pregnancy would be on strict bed rest....
For all those who know me and know me well, I don't stop moving so for me to be on bed rest, was definetly a shock. I am to lay completely flat, to only get up to go to the bathroom or eat a quick meal. The active lifestyle that I knew had ended, and the lifestyle I'm about to live for the next 5 months, will take on a much deeper meaning.
The meaning of how to grow a Lily.
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