When I went to my follow up appointment we asked the doctor if I would be allowed to get a massage, to help with the aches and pains of laying in bed all the time. The doctor said it was allowed. So lucky for me I have a friend who is willing to come to my house to give me a massage when I need one. I hope to get one, starting next week.
The visit with the doctor went very well. If you recall, my cervix at surgery was measuring 0.9cm, at my one week follow up it was 1.9cm, today at my visit it was at 2.4cm, with fundal pressure. Fundal pressure is the pressure the baby would put on my cervix if I were standing or sitting. They measure this when doing the internal ultrasound by pushing down on my lower abdomen to see how my cervix responds to pressure. Without that pressure my cervix was measuring 2.8cm. We were so relieved. The doctor was very happy. Bed rest is working and my cervix is relaxing, which is just wonderful!!!
They took a few pictures of baby Lily so I thought I would share them with everyone. One is of her profile and she's smiling. The other one is of her looking straight at us. Enjoy!

Great job!! 24 weeks, Wohoo!!!