The first night, the company had an "icebreaker" for everyone including family members to meet and mingle. I decided I would attempt to go. I was really nervous. I only lasted about twenty minutes. It was sad. When I got to the banquet room, they had no chairs anywhere, it was buffets and high top tables. I got some food and walked around mingling but was too nervous someone was going to knock into me or that I wouldn't be able to walk back to the hotel room. So I decided I needed to go back to the room sooner then I had hoped. A lot of my husbands' coworkers were really surprised to see me, everyone was asking me questions. It was nice, but I got overwhelmed very quickly. Once I was back in the hotel room I was so much more secure. It was at that point, that I realized being on bed rest for two months had really taken a toll on my strength an endurance.
The next day, Friday, I had a doctors appointment. My husband went to his meetings in the morning and I relaxed in the hotel room. At lunch time we left for my appointment. More about my appointment in my next blog entry. Once my appointment was over we went back to the hotel. My husband had afternoon classes he had to attend. I rested in the hotel room, I was perfectly happy there. It was a nice change of scenery.
On Saturday, I remained in the hotel room relaxing. I had some visitors, a few other women at my husbands company are pregnant as well, so they came by on Saturday to see me. It was nice to compare notes and talk. Saturday night was the formal awards banquet. I was saving all my energy to be able to go to this. We got dressed up, I figured I would stay for dinner and then head back to the room. I wasn't going to be able to stay for the whole thing, but it was nice to sit with others at a table and mingle. I was so nervous about being outside and around others that I almost cried twice during dinner. It was just so overwhelming for me. I was so scared I was going to get run into or that I would trip and fall. Its very strange to feel this way because I am a very confident person, but because of everything I've gone through with this pregnancy, I wasn't about to let someone else take it away from me. I'm very protective on Lily.

Sunday, we checked out and went home. The four day retreat was wonderful for me. I didn't mind staying in the hotel room at all. I enjoyed being able to go to a few functions and was surprised that I couldn't last that long standing, but I know in time I will get my strength back.
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