Saturday, January 15, 2011

The creation of baby food

So when I was on bed rest I decided that I would try to make my own baby food for Lily. What the heck, it couldn't be hard, and since I didn't know how much free time I'd have on my hands I figured making it before she started eating solid foods would be best. This weekend we had Ed's cousin Jeff and his boyfriend Aaron staying with us, so we recruited them to help us with this process.

We were able to register for a baby food maker (basically a food processor) and we got it so that is what we are using. We bought some organic apples, squash, greens beans and peas to make her. After we peel, chop, steam and blend them all up individually, we are going to pour the mixture into ice cube trays and freeze them over night. Then remove the ice cubes and store them in freezer bags with the name and date on them. Whenever I need to defrost some food, I'll just do so in the fridge. This should allow me to have enough food to feed her for a few months. Easy peasy!

It took us about 1 hour to make them all up and while doing so we sat around an played cards. It was a very cool moment in being parents to share with Jeff and Araon.

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